Sunday, May 12, 2013

Demystifying Gamma — Why Do You Need To Worry About Gamma Correction

Every photographer needs to post process the images; if not always at least on the occasional basis. I am sure they must be using Gamma Correction while correcting exposure of an image in Adobe Photoshop. Gamma is widely used but rarely understood concept in photo capturing. Technically, it is defined as the relation between a pixel’s numerical value (which is combination of red, green and blue values) and it’s actual luminance (or brightness). Gamma has nothing to do with the photographic process, but it’s badly needed while capturing (in camera) and seeing an image on the screen (to bridge the gap between what a human eye perceive and what the camera captures). There’s a huge difference between the way camera sees and captures the scene and the way human eyes see and perceive the scene. Logically, twice the number of photons (light rays) hitting the sensor produce twice the signal…

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